rocket surgeon
The things you learn in the internet!!!
i don't mean to be blasphemous to the real god.
i just don't think the god of the bible is our actual god.
and i think the god of the bible is not very bright.. i was thinking about the flood the other day.
rocket surgeon
The things you learn in the internet!!!
great article with charts showing how the world is getting better, despite the attempts of the news and certain religious groups to say it ain't so (or try and make it not)..
All the good reflected by those charts is a credit to God Almighty!!... well, Watchtower too. The system of Satan, including most people in this thread, has prevented the graphs to be much better than they are.
i'll start with the first study article.. this study article deals with vows made to jehovah.
three main vows are discussed.. 1) your dedication to jehovah.
we are told that it is not possible to claim that our baptism was not valid .
First, humility will move us to acknowledge that we do not have all the facts. No matter how much we know of a situation, only Jehovah can read a person’s figurative heart.
Tell that to the 3 elders in your judicial committee.
1) ananias “sold a piece of property… and kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet.” (acts 5:1, 2) peter interpreted the whole incident as unbecoming of believers as they created the impression that they are giving full amount received from the sale of their property, and told the wife of ananias: “the feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.” (acts 5:9).
death sentence for slightly exaggerating one’s generosity?.
2) in this incident, peter seems to be over-righteous!
Just as genuine as the birth from a virgin and the resurrection to heavenly existence.
if that's true then you can't say such and such is no longer aa jehovahs witnesses .
now i'm not very educated but is this like contradictory..
What they mean is:
They (Watchtower) have the power to dump you, but you don't have the power to dump them.
i'll start with the first study article.. this study article deals with vows made to jehovah.
three main vows are discussed.. 1) your dedication to jehovah.
we are told that it is not possible to claim that our baptism was not valid .
"extreme endangerment of one’s life or spirituality by an abusive or apostate spouse."
In the past, living with an abusive spouse was not a big problem; put up and shut up. But if you couple "abusive" with the word "apostate", then that's a big problem.
due to last years success, i will post everything related to the 2017 regional convention in this thread.. to start us off.... thanks to exjw reddit user ich3b we have advance notice of the theme (this is not a joke!).
the theme for the 2017 regional convention is: "don’t give up!” .
as always, if you have access to confidential materials you would like to leak but need to protect your identity, pm me or email me: wifibandit1 (at) gmail.
2020: We Abhor Child Abuse
some facts that make the difference between you and me:.
1 - as a person raised by non jw family, my parents have never loved me based on conditions set out by a group of old men who they don't even know.
how does it feel to know that you are in the unique situation where your parents brought you into the world and said 'i'll show love to you.
To be fair, some JW's don't have it that bad. It highly depends on the degree of indoctrination. My JW brother has been quite liberal regarding education and material pursuits for his own children. So my nephews have had a rather good life in spite of all those meetings, long boring conventions, preaching, bible reading and crazy JW conversations. Today they benefit from a large network of young JW friends while they pursue worldly things that don't get you in a JC.
i got up today to listen to the shocking news that russia’s ambassador to turkey was assassinated at an ankara art exhibit, and assassin was acting in the name of god.. it seems things have evolved to the other extreme that atheists are doing the work of religionists and vice versa.
while religionists take delight in killing fellow humans in the name of god, there were many atheists who followed very elevated morality.
the french existentialists and writers jean-paul sartre and albert camus were some of them.
good JW's who adhere to the Watchtower's shunning policies are living proof of the quote above
i did not see a newbs thread to introduce myself, so my apologies if i'm in the wrong place.
i was a 3rd generation born in witness for 30 years until i was disfellowshipped back in 2007 for making a mistake.
my entire life up until that point was based on and circled around the society, and even though at first i really enjoyed my freedom (i still do), the fact is that i'm still struggling with cognitive dissonance, resentment, and loneliness.. i miss my family all the time.
I am Hispanic too. I know that Hispanics don't follow the shunning rules strictly. I know that relationships with the disfellowshipped cool down significantly, but never completely. Is that the case with you?.... that you still keep some minimum contact?
There's some great advice here. i am not the best in that regard. I just never lived the life of a JW, I just know it well as an observer.
I agree, the God of the Bible is an asshole, but studying the Bible in the proper context is a very interesting experience. Just in case you are interested, search Christina Hayes lectures of the old testament. Great professor.